As of January 122025

NOTE:There is a one year waiting period for changing canoe or kayak specifications only. Rules can be modified or changed at either the Annual Meeting or the Semi-annual Meeting by a majority vote of the Delegates of the Association in attendance.

Last Revised 02/05/2025


• Cover Page – Revised Dates

• Summary of Changes Page – Added 

• I.A.6 – Revised insurance requirements for USCA sanctioned events as a result of the elimination of USCA Insurance Program.  (2025 Annual Meeting)

• I.B.3 – Added wording “Bids to host Nationals for multiple years are welcome and would be considered.” (2025 Annual Meeting)

• II.B.7 – Revised Whistle requirement to read “One pea less USCG compliant signal whistle must be carried in each boat, either securely affixed to a life jacket…”  (2020 Annual Meeting)

• II.C.6 – Addition of Open Age Group (18-39) – (2020 Annual Meeting)

• III.G – Addition of Use of Grasse River Concept C-1 design in USCA Nationals (2024 Annual Meeting)

• III.J – Addition of Open Age Group (18-39) (2020 Annual Meeting)

• III.K – Addition of revised awards methodology for Nationals: “Racers will race within their appropriate age group, and the overall fastest time of the day in each canoe or kayak class will be recognized as the National Champion of that class.” (2025 Annual Meeting)

• III.K – Clarified order of events for 2025 USCA Marathon Nationals (2025Annual Meeting)

• V.D – Incorporation of the NYPRA C-1 Stock Canoe List into Stock Canone Specification. (2020, 2024 and 2025 Annual Meetings)

• V.H.4 Added clarification regarding use of multihull boats in kayak class events. (2024 Annual Meeting)

• Appendix 7 – Addition of Senior (60+) Age Group for Stock Aluminum Nationals.  (2024 Annual Meeting)

• Updated points of contact on last page




3-4​I.  USCA Sanctioned Race Sponsor Requirements

3 A.  USCA Race Sponsor (Other than Nationals)

3-4​B.  USCA National Championship Race Sponsor



4 A.  Competitor Information

4-6​B.  Equipment and Assistance

6​C.  Classification of Competitors

Youth (5-7) – Youth (8-10) – Youth (11-12) – Youth (13-14) – Junior- Master – Senior – Veteran – Grand Veteran – Grandmaster Veteran – Novice – Man/Youth -Woman/Youth Man/Junior – Woman/Junior – Foreign National Competitors – Other

6-7​III. USCA National Marathon Championship Events

7-8​IV. USCA National Sprint Championships

8-13​V. Canoe Specifications and Method of Measurement 8-9​​A. Competition Cruiser

9​B.  Standard

9-10​C.  Stock Aluminum

10​D.  Stock Canoe

10​E.  International Long Distance Kayak

10​F.​International Long Distance Canoe

10-11​G.  3 x 27 Canoe (Pro Boat)

11​H.  Single Kayak, Sit-on-top or Surf ski

11​I.  Recreational Kayak

11​J.  Sea Kayak

11​K. Touring Kayak

11​L.  Unlimited

11​M.  K2, Double Kayakk, Sit-on-top, Surfski

11​N.  Solo Outrigger & Kayaks for Adaptive Paddling

11​O.  Stand-Up-Paddleboard


11-14​VI. National Marathon Championship Race Rules

11 A.  Race Eligibility for Competitors

USCA Membership – Foreign Competitors in regard to awarding National Championship and revolving trophy and State points.

12 B.  National Race Course Requirements

12-13​C.  Nationals Race Management and Conduct

Race Starts – Heat Starts – Portages and Routes – Canoe and Kayak Impoundment Area – Jigging

13-14​D.  Settling Disputes

13 1.​Protests

13-14​2.​Arbitration Committee

14 E.  Competition between the States

14 F.​Race Class Additions and Deletions

15 Appendix 1. Manufacturer’s Showcase Classes

16 Appendix 2. ICF Amateur Rule

17 Appendix 3. Special Age Group Recognition Awards and Trial Events at the Nationals 18-19​Appendix 4. Rules & Regulations Governing USCA National Sprints

20-21​Appendix 5. Youth Sprints and Divisional Traveling Trophy rules

22 Appendix 6. USCA National Canoe and Kayak Orienteering Championships

23 Appendix 7. USCA National Stock Aluminum Canoe Championships

24 Appendix 8. USCA Sprint Championships for Paddlers with Physical Disabilities

25 Appendix 9. The Barton Youth Award

26 Contact Information




A. USCA Race Sponsor (Other than Nationals)

1. Membership: To become a sanctioned (approved) race sponsor, one must first hold a Race Sponsor or Affiliated Club membership in USCA. The Membership Chair shall supply USCA race sanctioning information to non-Nationals race sponsors or affiliated clubs who want to conduct a race.

2. Sanctioning: Only the USCA Competition Chairman, a designated USCA advisor or the appropriate Organized State or RegionalDivision Competition Chair has the authority to approve a USCA Race Sponsor or Affiliated Club a race as a USCA Sanctioned Race. Sanctioning guidelines are listed on the USCA website, see #6 below. The application for insurance is available. A copy of all applications for insurance and the information provided regarding the event must bereviewed by the Competition Chairmen before insurance is provided. If insurance is not through the USCA program, the same sanctioning guidelines application and approval are required. In this case, the application is sent directly to the appropriate Competition Chair. Assistance about how to run a race is available from the Competition Chairman or the appropriate State Division Competition Chairmen. See last page for contact information.

3. Course: Race course not to exceed Class II (The International Scale of River Difficulty) water conditions.

4. Classes: A sanctioned race sponsor must offer as many USCA championship classesas possible, but at least ONE, in order to qualify for sanctioning. See III on pages 6-7.

5. Rules: Current delegate approved USCA canoe and kayak competition rules must be used in all USCA Classes.

6. Insurance: All USCA sanctioned races must be insured. The USCA requires proof of insurance from that insurance company, and the limits must be “per occurrence” of at least $1 million general liability, 1 million legal liability, $300K damage, $5K medical :expenses, $1 million personal injury, $1 million COMP/OP AGG, $1 million hired automobile, $2 million excess liability, $5K athletic participant AD&D, $25K athletic accident excluding medical. All race sponsors must follow the sanctioning guidelines listed on the USCA website. All race sponsors must adhere to the U.S. Coast Guard inland waterway rules. A USCA Waiver and Release of Liability form must be signed by all athletic participants prior to the event.

7. Race Changes: Race sponsors cannot change a rule after a race has started. Race sponsors cannot change the race course after a race has started unless all the competitors can be notified.

8. Race Management: Information under National Race Management (Section VI. C. 1-3) is the basis for conducting any race.

B. USCA National Championship Race Sponsor

1. Must follow items 1, 3, 5, 6, 7 and 8 from above section plus Section VI. C. 4 and 5.

2. Must have conducted USCA sanctioned races for two years prior to placing a bid to host the Nationals. Special exceptions may be given only by National Competition Chairman.

3. Applications to host the Nationals are available from the USCA Nationals Coordinator or download the bid and Hosting information from the USCA website. Bid application should bereturned to the USCA Nationals Coordinator and others as directed in the bid by September 1 or as directed. Bids are approved at USCA Annual meetings only. (A separate bid is required for the USCA National Stock Aluminum Canoe Championships.)  Bids to host Nationals for multiple years are welcome and would be considered.

4. Must offer all National championship classes listed in Section III. I. Other unofficial race classes may be added at the discretion of the race sponsor.

5. Must adhere to the requirements listed in the “Hosting the USCA National Championships” which is included with the Nationals bid available from the USCA Nationals Coordinator or on the USCA website.

6. Shall work with the USCA Nationals Coordinator and/or the USCA Executive Directoras soon as bid is approved by the delegates.



A. Competitor Information

1. Paddlers are expected to conduct themselves in a sportsmanlike manner at all times.

2. Competitors waive all rights and claims against the USCA and its representatives.

3. Advertising in USCA races: sponsorship shall be allowed and their advertising onboats shall be allowed in USCA races.

4. Amateur Rules: There is no distinction in the USCA between amateurs andprofessionals, and either person by any organizations standard may compete in and win a USCA National Championship.

5. Did Not Finish (DNF): All competitors who quit a race for any reason before the finish line must report to the race sponsor or his representatives as soon as possible.

6. Must comply with the following pertaining to lightning safety:

a. Before a race has started: If thunder is heard and/or lightning seen, or a lightning detector indicates an approaching thunderstorm, the racers, paddlers, helpers, and spectators shall take proper shelter on shore and wait at least 30 minutes after hearing the last thunder.

b. Once a race has started: If lightning is seen, count the time until you hear thunder. If thistime is 30 seconds (6 miles) or less, or if you do not see the lightning but hear loud thunder; get off the water immediately and seek proper shelter. The race is considered officially stopped at that moment in time, and the order of the paddlers on the race course at that instance will be considered their placement in the finishing order, based upon discussion with the racers and race officials at the finishing area. Thirty minutes after hearing the last thunder, the racers may proceed down the race course, and safety boaters may retake their posts.

c. Large lakes can become dangerous if a squall or thunderstorm were to pass through with winds and waves which can make the lifting a paddle difficult, and swamp many paddle craft. The paddle craft would be the tallest object around and in danger of being struck by lightning. It may not be possible to get to shore in time and under a stand of trees, into a vehicle, or into a lightning protected building; or close enough to shore to paddle into a “Zone of Lesser Probability”.

7. In the event of existing or forecast of bad weather in the form of dense fog, high winds, heavy rains, unexpected cold, storms with lightning and highly fast water, etc., the race promoter/organizer or the race committee has the right to change the route, delay the start, cancel the event, or move to an alternate day for the safety of the racers and spectators. The National Weather Service issues a ‘Small Craft Advisory’ or ‘Wind Advisory’ when seas or lakes can be hazardous to small boats. If either advisory is issued by the National Weather Service for the body of water the race is on, then the race shall be postponed or canceled.

8. Racers are expected to monitor race conditions and seek shelter when in danger.

9. Racers are expected to help other racers who are endangered

B. Equipment and Assistance

1. Personal Flotation Devices (PFD):

a. Each competitor must have in his or her possession during the entire race an easily accessible and immediately available Personal Flotation Device (PFD) which is marked on the PFD as being approved by the United States Coast Guard. The PFD carried/worn must be appropriate for the water conditions being paddled on.

b. PFDs secured to a vessel (e.g. bungee cords or straps) must be able to be released quickly with one hand (securing by duct tape is prohibited – including securing to standup paddleboards).

c. When the water temperature is below 50ºF, each competitor shall wear a USCG approved PFD.

d. All youth competitors 14 years of age and younger are required to wear a U. S. Coast Guard approved PFD designed for the water conditions at all times during any race.

e. A race sponsor/organizer may require PFDs to be worn by all competitors if the Race Sponsor/Organizer feels the conditions warrant. PFDs must be adjusted to a snug-fit and worn as the manufacturer designed them to be worn.

f. Federal/State/Local regulations on PFDs that are stricter than USCA rules will prevail. Some States require wearing a U.S. Coast Guard approved PFD during certain times of the year.

g. PFDs must be in serviceable condition and the appropriate size and fit for the intended user, and legibly marked with its USCG approval number. A PFD is NOT considered to be in serviceable condition if the PFD exhibit deteriorations that could diminish the performance of the PFD including:

i. Rips, tears, or open seams in fabric or coatings, that are large enough to allow the loss of buoyant material;

ii. Buoyant material that has become hardened, non-resilient, permanently compressed, waterlogged, oil-soaked, or which shows evidence of fungus or mildew; or

iii. Loss of buoyant material or buoyant material that is not securely held in position.

h. Rules specific to inflatable PFDs:

i. Must be U.S. Coast Guard approved.

ii. Must actually be worn to meet the U.S. Coast Guard requirement for having one PFD on board per person.

iii. Only may be used by youth under the age of 16 if the U.S. Coast Guard approves that specific model for use by youth under the age of 16.

iv. Shall not be worn by non-swimmers, nor worn in Class II (The International Scale of River Difficulty) water conditions.

v. An inflatable belt pack PFD shall be worn in the front at the waist as the manufacturer designed it.

vi. Must be inspected by the user prior to wearing including assuring that it is equipped with a properly armed inflation mechanism, complete with a full inflation medium cartridge and status indicators showing that the inflation mechanism is properly armed (green indicator).

i. In lieu of wearing or carrying a USCG approved PFD, a competitor older than 13 years of age may wear an inherently buoyant form filled PFD which meeting International Organization for Standardization ISO 12402-5 as long as the competitor complies with the instructions printed on the PFD, securely wears the PFD, and that the race organizer or a State law hasn’t mandated the wearing of a higher buoyancy U.S. Coast Guard approved PFD.

j. The rules regarding PFDs apply to all events at the USCA races including Downriver and ICF Marathon kayaks.

2. Paddles: Any number of single blade paddles of any material and size may be in the canoes. A competitor may use only one paddle at a time. Any number of double bladedpaddles may be used in kayaks only. In the event that a double bladed paddle is broken, a competitor may finish with the broken paddle.

3. Water Removal: The competitors will be allowed to turn their canoe or kayak upsidedown to remove water from it. Non-mechanical bailers (i.e. scoop bailers or sponges) or any type of person-powered (passive) bailer, pump, or siphon may be used in all USCAcanoes and kayaks.

4. Weights and Flotation may be added to canoes or kayaks in order to meet requirementsof minimum weight and buoyancy. The materials used may be at the discretion of the competitor. All weights and flotation must be securely fastened or permanently built into the canoe or kayak.

5. Securely Fastened: When a canoe or kayak is turned upside down or submerged, the weight or flotation must stay in place.

6. Outside Assistance: Food, drink, clothing, paddles, and equipment other than canoesmay be given to the competitors by spectators (or other competitors) as long as there is no physical help (in the way of forward motion) or interference with the other paddlers. Medical help, in case of sickness or injury, may be given to the competitors but interference with other paddlers should be kept to a minimum.

7. One pea less USCG compliant signal whistle must be carried in each boat, eithersecurely affixed to a life jacket or the boat in a manner which allows quick access in a personal emergency. (Recommend whistle with sound power of 110 db or more.)

8. Quick-Release Leash: If the race course takes the boats further than 100 meters from the shore at least one paddler in a surf ski, OC1, or SUP must wear a quick-release ankle/calf/ waist PFD leash which is connected to the boat. In strong winds, a lightweight craft can blow away from the paddler than the paddler can swim plus the PFD could be on the craft.

C. Classifications of Competitors:

1. Youth (5-7): Any paddler 5 to 7 years of age on January 1 of the current calendar year.

2. Youth (8-10): Any paddler 8 to 10 years of age on January 1 of the current calendar year.

3. Youth (11-12): Any paddler 11 or 12 years of age on January 1 of the currentcalendar year.

4. Youth (13-14): Any paddler 13 or 14 years of age on January 1 of the current calendar year.

5. Junior: Any paddler who has not reached age 18 on January 1 of the current calendaryear. Recommend a shorter course for this class.

6. Open: Man or woman at least 18 years of age and under 40 as of race day.

7. Master: Man or woman at least 40 years of age and under 50 as of race day.

8. Senior: Man or woman at least 50 years of age and under 60 as of race day.

9. Veteran 1: Man or woman at least 60 years of age and under 65 as of race day.

10. Veteran 2: Man or woman at least 65 years of age and under 70 as of race day.

11. Grand Veteran 1: Man or woman at least 70 years of age and under 75 as of race day.

12. Grand Veteran 2: Man or woman at least 75 years of age and under 80 as of race day.

13. Grandmaster Veteran: Man or woman at least 80 years of age as of race day.

14. Novice: A paddler who has never finished first, second, or third in a race of over 5miles in which five places have been contended.

15. Adult/Youth: (This class will be offered for Man/Youth and Woman/Youth.)

a. One paddler is at least 18 years old as of race date.

b. One paddler at least 5 years old who has not reached 15 years on January 1 of the current calendar year.

c. This class will be a shorter distance than the regular course.

16. Adult/Junior: (This class will be offered for Man/Junior and Woman/Junior.)

a. One paddler is at least 18 years old as of race date.

b. One paddler who qualifies as a junior on January 1 of the current calendar year.

c. The C2 Man/Junior or C2 Woman/Junior class will be the same length as the men’s open class.

17. Foreign National Competitors: Persons who are not citizens of the United States andhave not resided in the United States for the two years immediately prior to the National Championships.

18. Other: Juniors may race in men’s events in Marathon races, but not as an Adult in the Adult Sprint Championships. Women may race in men’s or mixed events, if they wish. Mixed teams may race in the men’s events. In events for ages over 18 the younger paddler determines the classification. In youth events, age classification is determined by age of the older youth.


A. Sanctioned race sponsors, other than the Nationals, should select as many events as possible,but at least one from the Championship Events listed below.

B. A National Race Sponsor must include all of the events listed below at the USCA National Marathon Canoe and Kayak Championships. Other unofficial race classes may be added at the discretion of the race sponsor. USCA Stock Aluminum National Championships are held at a separate location and date.

C. Official abbreviations of the race event will be as they appear following the listed event.

D. USCA National Marathon Canoe and Kayak Championship Events. Schedule rotatedannually. (Day 1 to day 3, day 2 to day 1, and day 3 to day 2.)

E. The 3×27 Pro Boat may compete in all C2 Competition Cruiser events at Nationals.

F. C2 Competition Cruisers (4X32 specs) may compete in the C2 Standard events with no minimum weight limit for Competition Cruisers or Standard boats.

G. The Grasse River Concept C-1 and similar designs may compete in the USCA Nationals on a trial basis with no overall or age group awards.  

H. List of events for each day of the Marathon as well as the of number of awards are as follows: USCA Championship medals to the top three (3) positions in each adult Championship event Medals for all youth, junior adult/youth and adult/junior events will be awarded to the top six (6) positions.

I. USCA Marathon Championship titles, trophies and championship apparel would go all the National Marathon Championship events.

J. Recommended naming convention: Craft Type (e.g. C, K, OC)/ # of Paddlers/Boat Type/ Governing Spec (if not USCA) /Gender/Age Class (Classes are listed below, but are not run in this order.) All Adult Events have National Championship Age Classes as follows: Open (18-39), Master (40-49), Senior (50-59), Veteran 1 (60-64), Veteran 2 (65-69), Grand Veteran 1 (70-74), Grand Veteran 2 (75-79), and Grandmaster Veteran (80+).

K. Awards: Racers will race within their appropriate age group, and the overall fastest time of the day in each canoe or kayak class will be recognized as the National Champion of that class.

Below are the lists of events. For 2025, Day 2 will run on Friday, Day 3 on Saturday, and Day 1 on Sunday.

Day 1

C1 Woman

C1 Stock Woman OC1 Man

C2 Men Open C2 Standard Men

K1 Unlimited Woman K1 Touring Men

K2 Unlimited Men

Short Course

C1 Woman Junior & Barton Youth Award

K1 Woman Junior Unlimited & Barton Youth Award

C2 Men Junior

Day 2

C2 Standard Women C2 Women

K1 Unlimited Man

K1 Sea Kayak Woman C1 Man

C1 Man Stock OC1 Woman

K2 Unlimited Women

Short Course

K1 Unlimited Man Junior & Barton Youth Award

C1 Man Junior & Barton Youth Award

C2 Women Junior

Day 3

K1 Touring Woman K1 Sea Kayak Man C2 Standard Mixed C2 Mixed

C2 Man/Junior (C2 M/Jr) C2 Woman/Junior (C2W/Jr) K2 Unlimited Mixed

Short Course

C2 Man/Youth*(C2 M/Y) C2 Woman/Youth* (C2W/Y) C2 Mixed Junior (C2 Mx Jr) SUP Unlimited Man

SUP Unlimited Woman


A. The race sponsor hosting the USCA National Marathon Canoe and Kayak Championships has the option to offer the Sprint Championships and require to hold the Youth Sprint Races. There will beno day of race registration for adult sprints to insure adequate time to process registration forms and build sprint heats. (Youth sprints permit day of race registration, however, pre-registration is preferred.) Adult Sprints are an optional event and Adult/Youth & Adult/Junior events can be offered on Thursday with the Youth Sprints.

B. Membership: All competitors in the Sprint championships, trial events or youth races mustbe USCA members, either as an individual or as a family member.

C. Age: To be eligible to race in adult events in the Adult Championship Sprints, the adult must beat least eighteen (18) years of age as of race day.

D. Equipment: Only competition cruisers may be used in C1 events. C2 events may useCompetition Cruiser (4×32) canoes or 3 x 27 Pro-Boats. Paddles will be single bladed of any material or size. Kayak events will use the appropriate kayak and will use double bladed paddles.

E. Rules: All events are governed by the same rules as the Marathon Championships. Additional Rules and Regulations governing Canoe/Kayak Nationals are in Appendix 4. The National Sprint chair will assist in the management of the sprints, set-up of the 500-meter (or 250 m) course and timing. Competitors select from one age category per class of C1 or C2 and C2 Mixed, Kayak and SUP for a total of five (5) events. Adults may also race any or all Man or Woman/Youth and Man or Woman/Junior classes.

F. Awards: USCA Championship Medals to top three positions for adults. Youth, Junior, Adult/ Youth, and Adult/ Junior classes will be awarded to five positions.

G. Adult Events: The Adult Sprint Schedule and suggested sequence order is listed in Appendix 4.

H. Youth Sprint Race Events: Age determined by oldest paddler if both not in same age group.May enter one each of C1, C2, C2 Mixed, K1 and SUP event for a total of five (5). Youth Sprint Schedule and Rules listed in Appendix 5.

I. All Kayaks for Junior and Youth events are follow K1 unlimited specifications.

J. All Youth Sprint events race on a 250 meter course, and are as follows:

C2 Youth (11-12)

C2 Men Junior (15-17) C1 Man Junior (15-17) C2 Youth (8-10)

C2 Women Junior (15-17) C1 Woman Junior (15-17) C2 Youth (5-7)

C2 Boy Youth (13-14)

C1 Boy Youth (13-14) C1 Youth (11-12)

C2 Girl Youth (13-14) C1 Girl Youth (13-14) C1 Youth ((8-10

C2 Mixed Open

K1 Man Junior (any kayak) C1 Youth (5-7)

SUP Unlimited Man Junior K1 Woman Junior (any kayak) K1 Youth (5-7)

SUP Unlimited Woman Junior K2 Mixed Junior

K1 Youth (8-10)

K1 Youth (11-12)


A. Competition Cruiser (4X32 Spec): These specifications qualify a boat for competition in allC1 events and all C2 events. Note 1: C-2 Competition Cruisers may race in the C2 Standard or C2 Pro Boat events.

1. Maximum length is 18 feet 6 inches (18’6″). Minimum width shall be 14 3/8% of the length (.14375 times the length) at the 4 inch water line, measured within 12 inches fore and aft of the center of the canoe.

a. Length Method of Measurement (MOM): The length shall be measured betweenthe plumb of the bow and the plumb of the stern and shall include bang plates. The length measurement shall not include seats extending beyond the stern end of the canoe.

b. Canoe Stem: The overall length of the boat is taken from a projected perpendicular, imaginary line. This method accommodates unusual stems. The stem or stern may come back toward the bow 1/2 the height of the stern. Example: Shock wave layout for old Sawyer Champion.

c. Width MOM: The width shall be measured horizontally on the exterior of the hull. It shall also be measured perpendicularly thwartship on the exterior of the hull. No sponson, keel, bilge keel, fin, end cap or other attachment shall be included in any measurement whether built in or added to the hull.

2. The exterior surface of the transverse cross section below the 7-inch water line shallbe convex, not concave, except at transitions to built-in keels.

3. The minimum height at the bow shall be 15 1/2 inches. The minimum depth for the restof the canoe shall be 11 1/2 inches.

a. Height MOM: The bow height will be measured from the bottom of the canoe and shall not include any projection of any stem or gunwale beyond the hull. The minimum depth shall be measured from the bottom of the canoe.

4. The sheer of the gunwale shall have a minimum radius of 30 inches and shall bean integral part of the boat with a continuous curve.

5. Decks and Float Tanks (shoe, cowl, and enclosed dam) may not be more than 1 1/2inches above the gunwale at any point. The maximum length of decks or float tanks shall be 36 inches. (Full decking is not permitted unless specifically stated in the written rules for a given race or as stated below.)

a. Deck Height MOM: Deck height shall be measured from any point on the deck thwartship to the gunwale. Seats will not be restricted in placement above the gunwale line. Deck length shall be measured from the plumb of the stem at its furthermost fore or stern at its furthermost aft point along the longitudinal axis of the boat.

6. C1 – In addition to the maximum 36” decking allowance at bow and stern, an additional maximum of 18” combined thwart plus lunch counter depth (measured along the keel) is allowed. A maximum radius of 3” is allowed to tie in any thwart/lunch counter to the gunwales.

7. C2 – Identical to C1, but increase the maximum combined allowable thwart/lunchcounter from 18” to 29” to accommodate an additional thwart/lunch counter.

8. Allow full decking on all C2 canoes in all adult cruiser classes only at Nationals.

9. Outwales: Any additions to outwales must be made on the gunwales and cannotextend more than 1 1/2 inches outward and downward from the hull.

a. Outwales MOM – Seats shall not be included in measurements of outwales.

10. ​Flotation: All canoes must have securely fastened or permanently built inflotation to support a 25 pound weight in a boat filled with water. Float or air bags can be used in kayaks only.

a. Securely Fastened: When a canoe is turned upside down or submerged, the flotation stays in place.

b. Floatation MOM: 25 pounds of solid metal weight will be placed in the boat amidships. The boat will be filled with water. The boat must float horizontally in this condition.

11. Water Removal: Any type of person-powered (or passive) bailer, pump or siphon maybe used in any USCA boat. (Canoe or kayak)

12. Rudders: There shall be no mechanical steering devices in any USCA canoe classes. This does not include fixed keel or skegs as deemed allowable under present keel andconcavity rules.

13. Materials: Canoes may be made of any material or combination of materials.

14. Reverse Rocker Specification: The limit of negative rocker (hog) at the 4 inch water line


jig point shall be limited to 1/8 inch at the center of a six (6) foot straight line along the longitudinal center of the canoe.

a. Reverse Rocker MOM: A six foot straight edge shall be placed on the hull longitudinally in the midline with a 1/8 inch projection at its center. The projection shall be placed at the intersection of the 4 inch water line jig point. If the projection touches the canoe, the canoe will pass inspection.

15. C2 Competition Cruisers (4X32 specs) may compete in the C2 Standard events.

B. Standard: All rules for the Competition Cruiser class will apply except for the below:

1. The minimum depth amidships shall be 12 inches.

2. The minimum bow and stern height shall be 16 1/2″.

3. The minimum width at the 4 inch water line shall be 15% of the length (length x 0.15).

4. Standard canoes may be made of any material or combination of materials with noweight minimum.

5. Competition Cruisers (4X32 specs) may compete in the Standard class events.

6. “Super” Aluminum canoes: (formerly a separate class)

a. All rules and specifications listed under Competition Cruiser shall apply to all Aluminum canoes (with the exception of materials of construction).

b. Aluminum canoes shall be the product of a regular manufacturer who has produced at least 50 canoes of the model in question. The canoe may be either standard or light-weight. Canoes shall not be modified except as follows: The canoe may be painted but no fiberglass, body putty, or material other than paint may be used on the outside except for the repair of holes. Seats may be movedand seats of other materials may be substituted. Foot braces and stiffening may be installed. Decks may be modified and bulkheads removed. Keels may be modified. Canoes must have sufficient permanently installed flotation.

c. Only Aluminum canoes built before 1/1/90, will be permitted to compete in the standard class.

C. Stock Aluminum:

1. Standard type aluminum canoes only. Up to and including the 2001 Aluminum Nationals, maximum length is 18 feet 6 inches. After the 2001 Aluminum Nationals, maximum length is 17 feet 4 inches.

2. The intention of the stock aluminum class is to have a National Championship class for stock factory aluminum canoes. Internal modifications are permitted that don’t affect the outside dimensions.

3. The specifications of a stock canoe have been purposely left off and the canoes willbe judged “stock” by the Competition Chairman and the Technical Director ofInspection. Most common manufacturers of aluminum boats will meet thisrequirement. Approval may be obtained for a specific model at the Nationals jigging.

4. No modifications can be made to the exterior of the canoe, or internally that will affectthe hull shape of the canoe. Modifications to seats, interior bulkheads or endcaps, and footbraces are allowed. To facilitate a change of seat type and placement, original factory seats may be removed. Sufficient flotation must be permanently affixed to the canoe to support a 25 pound weight when boat is full of water.

D. Stock Canoe: To race in the C-1 Stock Canoe Class, the boat must be listed as an approved Stock Canoe by the New York Paddlesports Racing Association (https://www.nypra.org/boat-specs).  When a stock canoe passes through the technical inspection station, USCA officials will use manufacturer applied markings to determine if the boat is on the NYPRA list.  For boats with insufficient manufacturer applied markings, ownership documents such as a bill of sale or vessel registration may be used as proof of make/model.  Boats not listed in the NYPRA list may race as a Stock Canoe provided that they meet the following specifications:  All rules for the Competition Cruiser class apply except for the below.

1. C-1 & C-2 Bow height will be at least 17” high. The Stern must be at least 16”

2. C-1 & C-2 must be built symmetrically. No hard line transitions in the hull of theboat. Curve of chine must be equal to at least the radius of a softball.

3. C-1 & C-2 width must be at least 15% of the length at the 4” waterline. Minimum at the4” waterline and 18” fore and aft of the widest point of the boat is 14% of the length

4. C-1 & C-2 minimum depth amidships shall be 12.5”.

5. Maximum allowable tumblehome for the C-2 is 1”, for the C-1 it is 3.5”

6. Maximum length of the Stock C-2 is 18’6”. The Max length of the Stock C-1 is 17’0”

7. Only boats in the current C-2 or C-1 Stock list are allowed in the appropriate class.

E. International Long Distance Kayak: International Canoe Federation (ICF) specifications for marathon K1 will prevail with the exception that the rule regarding the width and minimumboat weight shall not apply. For reference only, previous specifications are provided. Note: The K2 ICF is offered currently at USCA Nationals under an agreement with USA CK.Specifications and rules for ICF marathon may be found at the following web site: http://www.canoeicf.com/ docs/pdf/marrules2005.pdf The general link to access the ICF Marathon rules can be found at: http://www.canoeicf.com

1. Allow overstern rudders, pedals, and swivel seats in ICF marathon kayaks at USCA National events

2. Maximum length K1: 520 cm (204.72 inches), and Maximum length K2: 650 cm (255.90 inches)

3. Sections and longitudinal lines of the hull of the kayak shall be convex and not interrupted.

4. Steering rudders are allowed. The maximum thickness of the rudder must not exceed 10 mm (0.39 in.) in cases where the rudder forms an extension to the length of the kayak. Any rudder forming a continuation of the length of a kayak is not to be included in the measurement of length.

5. There must be adequate buoyancy to float the kayak horizontally when filled with water. The type of buoyancy securely fastened or permanently built-in shall be at the discretion of the paddler.

6. Kayaks may be completely decked and spray skirts used.

7. Paddles must be double bladed.

8. Kayaks may be made of any material or combination of materials.

F. International Long Distance Canoe: International Canoe Federation (ICF) specificationsfor marathon C1 and C2 will prevail. Specifications and rules are at the web site listed above.

1. Maximum length C1: 520 cm (204.72 inches), and Maximum length C2: 650 cm(255.90 inches)

2. Sections and longitudinal lines of the hull of the canoe shall be convex and notinterrupted. The canoe must be built symmetrically upon the axis of its length.

3. Steering rudders or any guiding apparatus directing the course of the canoe arenot allowed.

4. A keel, if any, must be straight, shall extend over the whole length the canoe andnot project more than 30 mm (1.18 in) below the hull.

5. There must be adequate buoyancy to float the canoe horizontally when filled withwater. The type of buoyancy shall be at the discretion of the paddler.

6. ICF canoes shall have no restrictions on decking.

7. Canoes may be made of any material or combination of materials.

G. Pro Boat (3×27):

1. Maximum length of the hull shall be 18’6″ (18 ft 6 in.).

2. Minimum heights, measured from the 0″ waterline:

a. 15″ Bow

b. 10″ Center

c. 10″ Stern

3. The minimum-height gunwale line shall form a continuous, smooth arch-curve.

4. Minimum Width:

a. 33″ on the top, at the gunwale line

b. 27″ wide at the 3″ waterline or 3″ of draft

5. The points at which the 33″ minimum top-width measurement and the 27″minimum waterline-width measurement are taken may be divided by up to 14″ maximum.

6. The 33″ minimum top-width and the 27″ minimum waterline-width, may be measureda maximum of 14″ fore or aft of the center of the canoe.

7. The cross-section(s) of the hull at the location(s) of the 33″ minimum top-width and the 27″ minimum waterline-width shall have no more than 1/4″ (one-quarter inch) concavity between the 3″ waterline and the gunwale line of the hull.

8. No concave curve(s) are allowed under the 3″ waterline. The imperfections fromrepairs will be tolerated but will have to be very minimal to conform to the regulations.

9. All of the measurements will be verified on the exterior of the hull. Gunwales, sponsons and keels shall not be included in the measurement whether added to the hull or built into the hull.

H. Single Kayak, Sit-on-top or Surf ski General Rules:

1. Flip up rudders not included in length.

2. No hull modifications allowed

3. Must have sufficient flotation to support a 25 pound weight in a boat full of water.

4. Boats with multiple hulls may participate in Kayak class events provided they meet all requirements for that class.  For boats with multiple identical hulls, the measurements for a single hull shall be used for class determination.  Otherwise, measurements for the main hull shall be used.

I. Recreational Kayak: any single kayak, sit-on-top or surf ski with a maximum overall length of 16’ and a 4” waterline beam of at least 22”.

J. Sea Kayak: any single kayak, sit-on-top or surf ski with a maximum overall length of 18’ and a 4” waterline beam of at least 8.5% of length.

K. Touring: Touring: Any single kayak, sit-on-top, or surf ski with a maximum overall length of20’ and a 4” waterline beam of at least 17”.

L. Unlimited: any single kayak, sit-on-top, or surf ski.

M. K2, Double Kayak, Sit-on-Top, and Surf Ski: any double kayak, sit-on-top, or surf ski,which has sufficient flotation to support a 25 pound weight in a boat full of water.

N. Solo Outrigger & Kayaks for Adaptive Paddling for standards & regulations see Appendix 8.

O. Stand-Up Paddleboard

1. All boards must be paddled standing up with a single blade paddle.

2. Skegs or rudders may be used on the bottom or stern unless they are designed to extend the waterline of the hull shape.

3. Special SUP Safety Rules regarding PFD use:

4. Any race that includes rapids, SUP paddlers must wear a U.S. Coast Guard approvedPFD. Throwable devices or any that are belt or fanny pack type PFDs do not satisfy this requirement. Any SUP paddler or a paddler who attempts to use either a fanny pack, belt or throwable device in the absence of appropriate PFDs will be disqualified. No questions asked. No protests entertained for arbitration in this regard. In flat water conditions, SUP paddlers must follow the same PFD rules as canoe and kayak paddlers. PFDs and whistles may be fastened to the board.

5. Class types and Specifications:

a. Stock:

i. Maximum length of twelve (12) feet six (6) inches. (12′6″)

ii. A paddler is only allowed to win the National Marathon Championship in this stock class once in a lifetime.

b. Mid: Maximum length of fourteen (14) feet.

c. Unlimited: No hull restrictions of any kind.

P. OC1/V1 Outrigger Canoe for one man or one woman.

1. Must have at least two Hulls – one main hull and one or two amas (outrigger floats)

2. Must only be propelled with a single blade paddle.

3. Any length, width or weight.

4. Sit-on-top (OC1) or sit-inside (V1) outrigger canoe allowed.

5. Skegs and/or rudders may be used, if desired.

6. Must have sufficient flotation to support a 25 pound weight with a cockpit full of water.


A. Race Eligibility for Competitors

1. All competitors in USCA canoeing and kayaking events must be USCA membersbefore they enter a USCA National Championship or trial events.

2. All general competitor requirements are applicable as listed in Section II A.

3. Foreign Competitors: any foreign competitor as defined in Section II. C. 16 may participate in and place in any event in the USCA National Championships and receivethe appropriate medal award in the place that they finish. They will be considered the USCA National Champion and will be recorded on a National trophy (if available) and will receive the National Championship shirt, should they place first. (The trophy will be awarded to a non-US citizen at the discretion of the Awards Chairperson.)

4. The recipient/s of the USCA National Champion status, traveling trophy and USCA National Champion shirt shall be awarded to the first team or individual to finish in that event.

5. Points for the State award will not be scored by a foreign competitor; however, theU.S. partner will be awarded state points of their placing.

B. National Race Course Requirements:

1. On the Nationals course, after the start, there must be approximately one mile(minimum) of paddling before any turn around.

2. On the Nationals course, there shall not be any water conditions exceeding Class II ofthe International Scale of River Difficulty.

3. On the Nationals course, there shall be no upstream starts against any detectable flowof current when possible and feasible to have it downstream.

4. On the Nationals course, there must be one mile (minimum) of paddling to the finishwhich is not upstream against a detectable flow of current when possible and feasible to do otherwise.

5. Recommendation: There shall be no heat starts or at least a minimum width of 300 feetof water having a minimum depth of two feet, at the starting line.

C. Nationals Race Management and Conduct

1. Race Starts: All starting, whether mass or heats will be by a reaction start. There will beno count down given prior to the start. To start a race the starter will say to the competitors, “Paddlers be ready.” Sometime following this command, when the starter is satisfied that no competitor has an unfair advantage, he will signal the start by using a prearranged device. This device could use sight, sound or both to signal the start. At the Nationals, the USCA will designate an official to oversee the starting line and report any infractions that may occur to the USCA Arbitration Committee for further action.

2. Heat Starts: In the event that heats are deemed necessary, the competitor’s position inthe various heats will be determined by the order the entry form is received by the race sponsor. No switching of entry numbers between participants will be permitted. Equal numbers of boats shall be run in each heat, if at all possible. There will be a minimum of five minutes between each heat.

3. Portages and Routes: Only officially designated portages and routes can be used. Emergency obstacle situations may occur, in which event the boat can be moved over or around said obstacle, returning to the water immediately after clearing this obstruction safely. Other than emergency situations, boats should remain in the water.

4. Canoe and Kayak Impoundment Area: It will be the responsibility of the race sponsor to set aside an area for the measuring of award winning canoes or kayaks after they cross the finish line. This impoundment area should be set up so that the Race Sponsor can control access. An award winning team may stay with their boat until it is measured. They may not return unless they’re involved in an official protest. The only other people allowed in the Impoundment Area are the race sponsor and the USCA Officials.

5. Jigging: All competitors who plan to compete in the marathon events should have their canoes or kayaks measured prior to their marathon event. If the craft passes inspection, the competitor will be given an official sticker to be affixed to his or her boat. If the boat fails the inspection, the competitor will be given time to make the necessary repairs or alterations so that the boat will pass inspection. All canoes and kayaks are to be measured and inspected at the finish immediately after the race at the USCA Marathon Nationals to ensure compliance with the USCA Competition Rules and Canoe Specifications. Failure to comply will result in disqualification. Any boat that fails inspection and was not measured prior to the event will be disqualified immediately. In the case of heats, the top five boats in each heat will be measured until the top five boats in each heat or age group is determined. If a stickered boat is found to have problems in passing inspection after the race is over, the matter will be referred to the Arbitration Committee. The Arbitration Committee will then make a judgment decision and this decision will be final. If a competitor did not have the boat inspected and stickered before the race and his or her boat is found to be illegal, the boat and the competitor will be disqualified immediately. The problem will not be referred to the Arbitration Committee for any action.

D. Settling Disputes:

1. Protests:

a. All protests must be in writing and filed no later than 30 minutes after the finish of the race in question. The written protest must be made by a competitor in the contested event and be accompanied by a $10 fee. If the protest is disallowed, the fee becomes the property of the general fund of the USCA. If the protest is allowed, the fee is returned to the protestor, and the proper action will be taken against the violator. Protests can be lodged against irregularities in canoes or kayaks in reference to USCA Competition Rules and Canoe Specifications. Protests can also be lodged against instances of unsportsmanlike conduct byany competitor.

b. Protests made on canoes that have passed the jigging prior to the race and bear an approved sticker may be made only if there is a question of change or alterations to the hull.

c. Boats of questionable design or in possible violation of specifications may have jigging postponed until other committee members are consulted.

d. Protests on non-championship events will be decided by the Race Sponsor.

2. Arbitration Committee:

a. The Arbitration Committee is composed of eleven (11) members: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Chairman, Competition Chairman, Kayak Chairman, Sprint Chairman, International Competition Chairman, SafetyChairman and Technical Inspection Director. There shall be at least six (6) members present and together to handle the arbitration. Only official designated officers, committee chairmen, race sponsor, and Arbitration Committee specified parties are allowed in the impoundment area. The race sponsor is not allowed to vote or arbitrate on USCA matters. The award winning team may stay with their boat until it is measured. The award winning team may not return to the impoundment area unless they are involved in an official protest and are requested to appear by one of the members of the Arbitration Committee.

b. The Competition Chairman shall serve as the Chairman of the Arbitration Committee. In the absence of this Chairman, the Vice President shall act as Chairman. The Chair shall serve as facilitator in coordinating the meetings of

the committee.

c. The Competition Chairman votes only in case of a tie.

d. This committee shall function during the entirety of the Association’s National Championships.

e. In emergencies, a vacancy may be filled by a committee chairman by Executive Committee approval.

f. The committee oversees the measurements of hulls and any other specifications relating to the craft used in national sanctioned events.

g. The committee rules on the acceptability and required use of safety devices for boats and paddlers.

h. The committee determines the acceptability of the competitor’s equipment.

i. All protests for National sanctioned events must be filed with the Competition Chairman of the Association.

j. The Committee shall provide final ruling for all competition matters relating to National Championship events.

k. The committee shall permit any principal in a dispute the right to attend Arbitration Committee meetings to present his/her views. The final decision may be made in a private meeting of the committee.

l. A committee member may not participate in an arbitration of a protest in which they are one of the principals in the dispute.

m. All arbitration meetings must submit a meeting report to the USCA’s magazine, CANOE NEWS.

n. In cases of un-sportsmanlike conduct or paddlers not following the prescribed course, the arbitration committee may impose a time penalty, place penalty, or disqualification. No penalty may be enforced if no significant infraction has occurred in the judgment of the Arbitration Committee.

o. Arbitration Committee will use the following guidelines in evaluating protests/ infractions: Determine the paddlers’ intent when possible. Consider the effect of an infraction on the outcome of the race. Based on the above considerations, education will be the preference where appropriate, followed by reasonable time/place penalties, and disqualification as a last resort.

E. Competition between the States:

1. States shall be awarded points in all USCA National Marathon Championship events as follows: 50 points for each paddler in first; 45 points for each paddler in second; and on down through tenth place in each Championship class. (No points for demo classes or trial events.) National Stock Aluminum Marathon points will be added only when this Nationals occurs prior to the regular National Marathon event.

2. The points will be awarded to the state in which the paddler has residence.

3. The state with the greatest number of points accumulated during the marathon championships shall be awarded the Top State Award, having their state’s nameengraved on the trophy and keeping possession for one year until the next Nationals. At that time, the trophy will be brought to the site of the Nationals and to be presented to the new winning state.

F. Race Class Additions and Deletions:

1. Race Class Additions: There shall be an equivalent Women/Girls class where there is a Men/Boys class. If the class is a trial class, the gender equivalent shall be a trial class as well. This applies to additions and deletions of classes.

a. Either at the Annual or Semi-Annual Meetings, a race class can be suggested to be included as a National Championship event by a positive vote of at least 40% of the delegates present.

b. At the following Nationals, this new race class is to be presented on a trial (non-championship) basis.

c. If seven (7) or more boats compete, then it will be added to the following Nationals as a Championship class.

d. If less than 7 boats compete in a trial class in both men and women, then the race class is dropped from consideration.

e. At any given time, there cannot be more than two new race classes in the process of approval.

2. Race Class Deletions: If the Competition Committee recommends that an event bedeleted from the Championship list and the Delegates approve, the class will be deleted immediately effective with the next National Championship.


Manufacturer’s Showcase Classes:

1. The USCA will allow manufacturers to promote their canoes and or kayaks through a manufacturer’s showcase class designation.

2. These classes will be treated as subclasses within the classes we have already.

3. Each manufacturer may pick up to two (2) model lines that they wish to promote at the National Championships.

4. Each manufacturer will be responsible for the awards in those canoe classes and is recommended to send a representative to give out the awards.

5. The awards will read as follows: Example:

1. We-no-nah USCA National Championships

2. Marinette, WI 1991

3. 1st place, 2nd place, 3rd place, etc.


Amateur Rule

Note: In 1992, the ICF/Olympic committee determined that there is no longer any distinction between amateur and professional athlete and may receive prize award payments directly. This following pre-1992 rule is published for only for your information. (USCA remains committed to the Amateur Athlete in USCA.)

A. ICF Amateur Rule: An amateur is a sportsman who, having a basic occupation designed to ensure his present and future livelihood, devotes himself to sport as an avocation for his own pleasure and for his own moral and physical well-being without deriving there from, directly or indirectly, any material gain.

1. A Competitor may not:

a. be or have been a professional athlete in any sport or contracted to be so before the official closing of the Olympic Games or International Competition.

b. have allowed his person, name, picture or sport performance to be used for advertising, except when hisor her International Federation, National Olympic Committee, or National Federation enters into a contract for sponsorship of equipment. All payments must be made to the International Federation, National Olympic Committee, or National Federation concerned, and not to the individual.

c. carry advertising material on his person or clothing in the Olympic Games, World or Continental Championships and Games under patronage of the IOC other than trademarks on technical equipment or clothing as agreed by the IOC within International Federations.

d. have acted as a professional coach or trainer in any sport.

2. A Competitor may:

a. be a physical education or sports teacher who gives elementary instruction.

b. accept, during the period of preparation and actual competition which shall be limited by the rules of the ICF:

1. Assistance administered through his or her National Olympic Committee or National Federation for: food and lodging; cost of transport; pocket money to cover incidental expenses; insurance coverage in respect to accidents, illness, personal property and disability; personal sports equipment and clothing; cost of medical treatment, physiotherapy and authorized coaches.

2. Compensation, authorized by his or her National Olympic Committee or National Federation, in case of necessity to cover financial loss resulting from his or her absence from work or basic occupation in the Olympic Games and International sports competitions. In no circumstances shall payment made under this provision exceed the sum which the competitor would have earned in the same time periods. The compensation may be paid with the approval of the National Olympic Committees at their discretion.

c. accept prizes won in competition within the limits of the rule established by the ICF.

d. accept academic and technical scholarships.

In all cases which are not covered by the above regulations, the corresponding rules of the International Olympic Committee shall apply.

B. ICF Amateur Advertising Standard: Boats, accessories, or clothing may carry trademark symbols and words. In all cases, these symbols should not exceed 20 cm x 5 cm (7.87″ x 1.97″) on boats and 10 cm x 3 cm (3.94″ x 1.18″) on paddles and, in the latter case, only once on each face. Any boat or accessory which does not comply with the above mentioned conditions will not be acceptable. Advertising symbols are to be in order with the amateur regulations.



In order to recognize certain age groups within a major championship event (mostly the Marathon), a special USCA medal is awarded. The age groups are listed below within the specific championship event. Both members in a C2 event must meet the age requirement.

A. Special Recognition will be given at the USCA National Canoe/Kayak Sprint Championships to the following: (Event Optional since 2015. If it is resumed, the following would be offered)

1. C2 Mixed Master, 1st 50+

2. 1st Place Grand Veteran individual or team (men and women), unless recognized as a Grand Veteran class

B. Trial Events at the Nationals.

Prior to the establishment of a Championship event, an event is normally offered as a trial in order to determine the interest or need to include this event in the list of championships. Due to the gender equivalent rule that was approved in 2004, many classes were added to the Nationals schedule without going through the trial process.

Awards to the first 3 places. For 2019, there are no sprint or marathon trial events.


Rules and Regulations Governing USCA National Adult Canoe & Kayak Sprint Championships

In order to maintain continuity and efficiency, the designated sequence schedule of events should be adhered to.

All adult competitors may only race in one age category in C1 and C2 class, C2 Mixed, Kayak and SUP. They may race any or all of the Man or Woman/ Youth events as follows: Man or Woman/Fledgling I, Man or Woman/ Fledgling II, Man or Woman/Bantam, Man or Woman/Juvenile and Man or Woman/Junior.

The order of registrant entry will determine heat designation and lane assignment, (where applicable).

There is no day of race registration for this championship event. To race in an adult event, the adult must be 18 yearsof age or older on race day. The course is 500 meters for all events that is set up by the National Sprint Chair.

Quantities of 12 or fewer boats per class will automatically determine that class as a final.

Any event in excess of 12 boats will be broken down into heats of equal quantities. In the event of an odd number of boats, the greater number will constitute the first heat. i.e. 17 boats – heat 1 with 9 boats, heat 2 with 8 boats.

Advancement to finals procedures as follows:

Winner from each heat is guaranteed to advance to the final round. Balance of remaining positions in the final round will be based upon fastest heat times of remaining boats, with a maximum of 12 boats in the final round.

i.e. 2 heats – 2 winners advance, plus next 10 fastest times.

Any blatant obstruction of other competitors may result in disqualification of the offending boat.

In the event of severe, inclement weather or circumstances beyond the control of the Event Organizer, the decision to cancel, postpone or delay will be decided by the following committee: Event Organizer (host), Sprint Chairman, Competition Chairman, Safety Chairman and USCA President.

If the decision is made to cancel the event, awards will be given on fastest heat times to all completed classes.


K1= any kayak

This is now an Optional Event. If resumed, it could be held on Tuesday of the week of the Nationals

1-4C1 WomanC1 Woman Master C1 Woman SeniorC1 Woman Veteran ***(C1 W) (C1 WMa) (C1 WSr) (C1 WV)
5-8K1 ManK1 Man Master K1 Man SeniorK1 Man Veteran***(K1M) (K1MMa) (K1MSr) (K1 MV)
9-10C2 Man/Youth (5-7) **(C2 M/Y(5-7)

C2 Woman /Youth (5-7)** (C2 W/Y(5-7)

11-12 PK1 Paddler w/a Physical Disability Woman (PK1 W) PV1 Paddler w/a Physical Disability Man (PV1 M)

13-14 C2 Man/Youth (8-10) **   (C2/Y (8-10)

C2 Woman/Youth (8-10)** (C2 W/Y (8-10)

15-17 C1 Man​(C1M)

C1 Man Master​(C1MMa)

C1 Man Senior​(C1MSr)

18  C1 Man Veteran***​(C1MV)

19-20 C2 Woman/Youth (11-12) **(C2 W/Y (11-12) C2 Man/Youth (11-12)**​(C2 M/Y (11-12)

21 Stand Up Paddleboard Unlimited Woman (SUP-U W)

22-23C2 MixedC2 Mixed Master*(C2Mx) (C2MxMa)
24-27K1 WomanK1 Woman Master K1 Woman SeniorK1 Woman Veteran***(K1W) (K1WMa) (K1WSr) (K1 WV)
28-31 C2 Men(C2 M)
C2 Men Master(C2 MMa)
C2 Men Senior(C2 MSr)
C2 Man Veteran ***(C2 MV)
32-35 C2 Women(C2 W)
C2 Women Master(C2 WMa)

C2 Women Senior​(C2 WSr) C2 Women Veteran***​(C2 WV)

36-37 PK1 Paddler w/a Physical Disability Man (PK1 M) PV1 Paddler w/a Physical Disability Woman (PV1 W)

38-39​C2 Man/Youth (13-14)**​(C2 M/Y (13-14)

C2Woman/Youth (13-14)** (C2 W/Y (13-14)

40  Stand Up Paddleboard Unlimited Man (SUP-U M)

41-42 C2 Man/Junior **​(C2 MJr) C2 Woman/Junior **​(C2WJr)

*​Special Age Recognition to 1st 50+

** Adult/Youth and Adult/Junior Sprint Championships and the Paddlers with Physical Disabilities Sprint Championships have been run with the Youth Sprint Championships since 2016. See Appendix 5.

*** Award to 1st Grand Veteran team 70+, and in all other classes where there is a team or individual 70+.



Held on Thursday of week of the Nationals

Rules and Regulations Governing USCA Youth Sprints

A. Age is determined by older paddler if both not in the same group. (Younger paddler may race in older age category. Older cannot race in younger category.) USCA rule to determine age is by midnight of December 31 of the prior year.

B. Equipment – Competition cruisers in C1 and C2 events. Any kayak may be used in K1 events. USCA Rule:PFDs must be worn by youth 14 years old or younger or comply with Sprint Host state boating rule. 3X27canoes are allowed in all C2 competition cruiser (4X32) classes. In events with Youth ages 5-7, 8-10, and 11-12, any boat may be used. The sole requirement is that the boat is propelled by a USCA – legal canoe paddle in canoe events and a USCA – legal kayak paddle in kayak events. Rudders, outriggers and multi-hull designs are allowed.

C. A paddler may enter one (1) of each: C1, C2, C2 Mixed, K1 and stand up paddleboard events for a total of five (5) events.

D. Sprint events for ages 5-12 will be on a 250 meter course. The classes and ages are as follows: C1, C2, and K1 Youth (5-7); C1, C2 and K1 Youth (8-10); C1, C2 and K1 Youth (11-12).

E. Sprint events for ages 13-17 will be on a 250 meter course. The classes and ages are as follows: C1 and C2 Girl Youth (13-14), C1 and C2 Boy Youth (13-14), C1 and C2 Women Junior and C1 and C2 Men Junior (15-17).

F. Sprint events for any age 5-17 include the following and will be run on the 250 meter course. C2 Mixed, K1 Junior Female, K1 Junior Male, SUP Unlimited Junior Female and SUP Unlimited Junior Male.

G. Safety: USCA requires that a safety boat or boats of some description be provided by the Nationals host and be on the water during the entire Youth Sprint event.

H. Youth Sprint Sequence of Events is as follows:

250 Meter Events

1. C1 Youth (5-7)​4. K1 Youth (11-12)​7. C1 Youth (11-12)

2. C2 Youth (11-12)​5. C2 Youth (5-7)​8. C2 Youth (8-10)

3. C1 Youth (8-10​6. K1Youth (8-10)​9. K1 Youth (5-7)

250 Meter Events

1. C1 Girl Youth (13-14)​8. C1 Woman Junior (15-17)

2. K1 Man Junior (15-17)​9. C2 Boys Youth (13-14)

3. C2 Women Junior (15-17)​10. K1 Boy Youth (13-14)

4. K1 Girl Youth (13-14)​11. C1 Man Junior (15-17)

5. C1 Boy Youth (13-14)​12. C2 Girls Youth (13-14)

6. K1 Woman Junior (15-17)​13. C2 Mixed Open (5-17)

7. C2 Men Junior (15-17)​14. SUP Unlimited Man Junior

15. SUP Unlimited Woman Junior

I. Awards: USCA Medals to first five places.

J. Points for the Revolving Trophy – awarded as follows: 50 points for each paddler in first place, 45 points for second and so forth to tenth place. Paddlers earn points for the division in which their state has been grouped.

K. Top Division Award – Division or group of divisions (see groupings below) with greatest number of points accumulated during these Sprint races shall be awarded the Revolving trophy at the Sunday awards ceremony. The Chairperson of the Youth Activity Committee shall be responsible for monitoring, coordination and the facilitation of this event.

Duties include the following:

a. To calculate or designate the calculation of the state points in order to determine which group will be awarded the Revolving Trophy. Calculation method is listed in (J above) and the Groups of the

USCA Divisions are listed in (L).

b. To select a responsible person from the winning division to

(1) have the appropriate engraving completed on the trophy plate;

(2) take the award home, and have it displayed in an appropriate manner;

(3) make provisions for its return to the next USCA Marathon Nationals.

L. Grouping of the USCA Divisions are the following: See NOTE below.

1. South Atlantic – DE, DC, MD, VA, WV, NC, SC, GA, PR, VI

East South Central – KY, TN, AL, MS West South Central – AR, OK, TX, LA

2. Mountain – ID, WY, UT, CO, NV, NM, AZ, MT

Pacific – WA, OR, CA, AK, HI, GU, AS

West North Central – MN, IA, MO, ND, SD, NE, KS

3. East North Central – MI, IL, WI

4. New York Organized Division

5. New England – ME, VT, NH, MA, CT, RI

6. Combined Organized Divisions of Florida, Indiana, Ohio and Penn-Jersey

NOTE: The above Division groupings may vary from year to year in order to make the participantnumbers in each group more equal. This is a decision that is to be made by the Youth Activities Committee/Chair after the participant list is established.


Effective in 2016: Youth Marathon events was available for 5-12 year olds in C1 and K1 (3-4 miles).

C1 and K1 Youth (5-7); C1 and K1 Youth (8-10), C1 and K1 Youth 11-12. Event is run on the 500 meter sprint course after the sprints are concluded. In 2016, the Youth Marathon event was given Championship status.

Awards to 6 places.



Orienteering is an Optional event. Orienteering Championships are held on the Wednesday of Nationals week. The course is set up by the Orienteering Chairman and the special materials (maps and punches) are provided. This is an event that pits the skills of map reading as well as paddling. The competition is a race for both accuracy and time. The classes offered include the following:

C1 Man​C2 Women

C1 Woman​C2 Men

K1 Man (any kayak)​C2 Mixed

K1 Woman (any kayak)​C2 Mixed Master

C2 Woman/Youth (5-14)

C2 Man/Youth (5-14)

SUP Unlimited Woman​C2 Woman/Junior (15-17)

SUP Unlimited Man​C2 Man/Junior (15-17)



In 1998, the Delegates approved the Aluminum National Championships could be separated from the USCA National Marathon Canoe and Kayak Championship schedule. If at any time no bid is received for these championships, the event would return to Day 3 of the USCA National Marathon schedule of events.

A. The sanctioned race sponsors who bid on this championship will follow the same USCA rules and requirements that have been established for the USCA National Marathon Championships.

B. The accepted bid will become the host for the USCA National Stock Aluminum Canoe Championships for the date the Host has set for this championship.

C. The National race sponsor host must include all of the events listed below. Other unofficial race classes maybe added at the discretion of the race sponsor. The race may be a one day or two day event. If one day, the Men’s and Women’s events could be a morning start and mixed the afternoon event.

D. USCA membership is required in all championship and trial events.

E. USCA National Stock Aluminum Canoe Marathon Championships.

Men and Women Youth- 18 and younger;

Men and Women Open- 19-39;

Men and Women Masters- 40-59; 

Men and Women Veterans- 60+

Mixed Open 19-39;

Mixed Masters 40-59;

Mixed veterans 60+

USCA Medals to first three (3) places in adult Championships; juniors are awarded to six (6) places.



(Approved in 2010 – To be held on Tuesday with the USCA National Canoe/Kayak Adult Sprint Championships) Starting in 2015, the event is held on Thursday during the Youth Sprints schedule and with the Adult/Youth; Adult/ Junior Schedule.

A. The Adaptive Paddling Chair/Committee will be in charge of this event at Nationals and will be available to assist in establishing the course distance and any other requirements needed for the safety of this event.

B. USCA Membership is required for all participants in all Championship events.

C. Events for Adaptive solo outriggers (V) and adaptive kayaks. In 2013 the following information was added: Any kayak/surfski propelled with a kayak paddle (may have stabilizing floats and may have a rudder)

Any Va’a/outrigger canoe propelled with a canoe paddle (may have stabilizing floats, may have a rudder.)

D. Awards: USCA Championship medals awarded to the first three positions in each class

E. Classes for the following:

1. K1 Paddler with Physical Disability Woman

2. K1 Paddler with Physical Disability Man

3. V1 Paddler with Physical Disability Woman

4. V1 Paddler with Physical Disability Man

F. Eligibility: athletes eligible to compete in USCA National Sprint Championships for Paddlers with Physical Disabilities must meet current International Canoe Federation Paracanoe (Para kayak and Para va’a) eligibility requirements or have a loss of 10% vision or a visual field constricted to a diameter of less than 40 degrees to qualify as an athlete who is blind or visually impaired.

Athletes with physical disabilities intending to compete in USCA National Sprint Championships must submit the appropriate International Canoe Federation Paracanoe Athlete Diagnosis Form and the ICF Paracanoe Athlete Certificate of Diagnosis Form completed by a medical doctor to USCA Adaptive Paddling Chairman by July 1 of the year of competition. USCA’s Adaptive Paddling Chairman will forward the athlete diagnosis form to an ICF medical classifier who will make a determination regarding eligibility based upon the information provided. The athlete will be notified as soon as possible after a determination regarding eligibility had been made.

Paddlers who are blind or have a visual impairment should have the USCA Adaptive Paddler Vision Qualification Form completed by an ophthalmologist and submit it to USCA Adaptive Paddling Chairman by July 1 of the year of competition.

Athletes eligible to compete in the blind/visually impaired category must wear opaque eyeshades during the competition; they are allowed a sighted guide who can follow behind them during the race and give them directional cues to stay on course.


The Barton Youth Award

Any youth 9-17 years old as of January 1 of the current year, is a current USCA member and competes in the Junior C1 or Junior K1 Marathon event at the USCA National Marathon Championships is eligible for this award. No prequalification is required. The Youth Activities Committee administers this event. Zaveralcanoe paddles will be awarded to the fastest girl and boy in the C1 Junior Championship event and an Epic kayak paddle will be awarded to the fastest girl and boy in the K1 Junior Championship events. The History of the original purpose for this award is below.


USCA Competition Chairman


1574 Majestic View Lane

Fleming Island, FL 32003


[email protected]

USCA Nationals Coordinator


3563 Roller Coaster Road 

Corsica, PA. 15829

(814) 952-1444

[email protected]

USCA President​​


9 Bunker Hill Lane

Russellville,  AR 72802


[email protected]

Organized State or Regional Division Competition Chairmen for the states of

Florida, Indiana, New York, Ohio and Penn-Jersey.

Contact USCA Membership Chair


410 Cockman Rd

Robbins, NC 27325

(910) 783-5413 

[email protected]

Revised 02/05/2025