About the USCA

The United States Canoe Association is a nationwide community of canoe and kayak racers who race hard, train hard, and know how to have fun. The USCA is dedicated to this lifetime sport and wants to help you meet your paddling goals. 

We believe it is our role to provide the general public with FUN paddlesport opportunities. Make paddling education and instruction accessible. We want to Improve access to all paddling venues and expand paddlesport to people of all abilities and to the underserved.

The USCA wants to promote paddlesports competition at the local, regional and national levels by creating strategic alliances with clubs and other organizations that represent the outdoor experience in order to expand awareness and knowledge of paddlesport. We strive to communicate the benefits of canoeing, kayaking, rafting and stand up paddleboarding as healthy lifetime recreation activities.

The heart of the USCA is the people who paddle, cherish and protect the rivers, lakes, streams, bays and oceans of the United States and beyond.

The heart of the USCA is the people who paddle, cherish, and protect the rivers, lakes, streams, bays, and oceans of the United States, and beyond